Thursday, June 28, 2007

A good idea?

Just had an idea and posted it on Paul Phillips' blog. I am currently applying for acting work and thinking of ways to make money. See what you think.

Hey Paul,

I have been reading for some time and often wanted to comment but the thing is; i am reading your blog forward from its conception and doubt you'll be interested in comments on things that happened in the early part of 2004! I am currently reading March 2005 and hope that one day i may catch you up to see what you are actually doing in the now.

I am a young actor (and poker fan) from the UK. Like many others i am still trying to make my big break (even a small one would be nice) into this cruel business. Whilst reading an old post of yours and the general banter and comments regarding Phil Hellmuth, I stumbled upon an idea.
Do you think it would be possible for me to obtain sponsorship to major tournament events under the assumed identity of "Camp Hellmuth". "Camp" is an outrageous, openly gay card player and PH obsessive. He has learned poker by the book, (Phil's, obviously) and is now making his way onto the pro tournament circuit. He is always eager to sit as near to Phil as possible and would endeavor to track him down mid break for hand advice (especially at the urinal). He would also bring pink and sparkle to every event (additional idea- originally pink and sparkle were to describe his glittery appearance, but depending on money offered, they, Pink and Sparkle, could be is fag hag fan club). If Phil were to have a blow up, "Camp" would down cards immediately and rush over and make sure his idol is okay and protect him. That, or he would see it as his cue to start a more elaborate strop of his own.

This could be very funny for some time (one tournament??). I imagine if it were well strategised and went on for long enough, it could result in Phil going absolutely "boo loo", living like a hobo in the corner of a card room. Gibbering incoherently about "good times past", and "bad beats after holding the nuts pre flop". Surrounded by, and living out of boxes of unsold merchandise, constantly reading and rereading " Play Poker Like the Pro's", trying to figure out where it all went wrong.

Anyway - you get the gist. I would offer you a piece of all future merchandising and sponsorship rights. Lets make some money. Kerching.

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