Sunday, June 17, 2007

ho hum

Well... there you have it. I failed to qualify for the WSOP 150 seats guaranteed. Didn't do too badly i think i played 4 and came 10th and 11th at the best. I honestly thought i would qualify. So much so that i thought i could do it twice. Sell the first for $ in my account then enter with the second one! God! I'm such a sad bastard!

Oh well. I've used my frequent player points to buy Harrington on Hold Em - Volume 2 and am rereading 1 until it arrives.

I feel really shit about my game as a whole. What sort of idiot pumps money into books, dvd's, magazines and into a game which they can't even consistently beat, even at the lowest levels. Its pathetic. I need to sort it out. Have i learned nothing?? Its really strange, i know i have improved. I can see so many mistakes in the way that other people play but can't seem to rectify my own play. I think it has to be a case of back to the drawing board (books) and tightening up my play. Today i made such an awful call. I raised the button and someone who had been raising a lot reraised all in. I insta called with A4 suited. I didn't stop to think. He had an over pair and me crushed. If i stop for one second i am obviously folding. I think it is something about human nature. If i bet i'm telling you my hand is good, if you raise you're saying yours is better. Its an argument. Sometimes you are in a good mood and clam and can handle an argument rationally. Other times you are tired, its been a rough day, the last thing you want is someone with A3 off suit telling you pocket tens are no good, So you snap instantly and the results, like those of any argument, may not be pretty.

Good luck to y'all

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